2024 was a great year for me! I'm not going to do one of those big recaps, but to summarize, I got a lot done in terms of collabs, events and projects in general.
I created my account in 2023, intending to only use it to play games, but in 2024, I decided to start being active in the art community.
Here is the first and last thing I posted in 2024:
I believe I've improved a fair amount since I first started. I have not only learned more about drawing, but also about the art program Krita. I have also met a lot of wonderful and talented people who make really cool stuff!
I don't really have any big goals for 2025. I'd like to keep improving my drawing skills, and possibly learn to animate. I plan to take part in some more collabs next year, as well as events like Art Fight and Secret Santa (I already miss it ;-;). I also wanna start making fanart of characters from media and people's OCs, to show my appreciation for those that make Newgrounds awesome.
That's about it! Wishing everyone a lovely 2025!
Krita feels so natural to use. I actually use it for texturing models in my spare time